Music Grant
2021 Winter Grantee
Mark Stewart with Biodun Kuti
Mark Stuart with Biodun Kuti - Musicians
American Mark Stewart and Nigerian Biodun Kuti shared the stage as guitarists touring internationally in 2018 and 2019 with Paul Simon. But they had first met in 2013 when Biodun was a fellow at 1Beat, a cultural initiative of the U.S. Department of State that brings young community minded master musicians from around the world for a month of exchange, discovery and performance.
Mark was a Visiting Artist at 1Beat and immediately recognized in Biodun both a remarkable young artist and, (more to the point), a kindred spirit. When Vincent Nguini (the great guitarist and composer of Cameroon) died, leaving what appeared to be a chair that could not be filled on the Paul Simon bandstand, Biodun was asked to audition for the position. His continuing tenure in the band has been roundly celebrated by audiences and colleagues around the world.
Mark explains the story of The Heart of Worlds.
”Although I started playing African rhythms & songs as a boy as a member the Stewart Family Troubadours it wasn’t until I sat down with Vincent Nguini in the Spring of 1999 to learn all the guitar & vocal parts necessary for the upcoming Paul Simon tour that I got schooling in the deep lore, from the deep well. Vince had been Paul’s muse/arranger/co-groover for a decade, the contrapuntal genius of “Rhythm of the Saints.” And Vince’s own music was filled with mysterious grooves that could make the whole village dance. I was a good student, (everyday’s a school day), Vincent was a clear teacher (“No!” Could mean a wrong note, a weak inflection, a wrong rhythm, or something new!) but the search for that which elicited “No!” invariably led me directly to the heart of the song, the heart of the groove.
18 years later I was charged with the same task as Vincent had been: To teach the new guy the African guitar and vocal parts for the upcoming tour. The new guy happened to be an African master. I had walked into the room as a humble student and now I was being asked to do it again, but as a humble teacher. Biodun’s questions made it immediately clear that I WAS the repository of Vince’s knowledge, and Brother Bio needed the benefit of my understanding. It was Biodun who showed me the glimmer & promise of what has become the touchstone of this project. He was the student who took Vince’s spirit back to the village from whence it came and, in doing so, took me there as well. And our time on road continued to reveal this beautiful intersection between us.
Between the Heart of Worlds.
We all look forward to their collaboration and to hearing more of it sometime in November!