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Does CAfé RoyAl CulturAl FoundAtion hAve A profile on Guidestar.org?

You may view our profile at here. Café Royal Cultural Foundation has received a 2021 Silver Seal of Transparency from Guidestar. Our profile provides program information and the details the Board utilizes to guide grant funding decisions.

is CAfé RoyAl Cultural FoundAtion A 501 (c) 3 non-profit orgAnizAtion?

Café Royal Cultural Foundation has received a 501(c)3 non-profit organization determination from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is further classified as a Private Foundation. A copy of our IRS Determination Letter is included on our Guidestar profile.

if i Am AwArded A grAnt will i hAve to pAy income tAx on the Amount received?

Grants awarded by Café Royal Cultural Foundation are exempt from the grant recipient’s taxable income. As such, Café Royal Cultural Foundation will not issue you either an IRS Form 1099-MISC or IRS Form 1099-NEC. Nor are we required to file recipient’s grant award information to the IRS.

CAn i Apply for A grAnt during COViD-19 restrictions?

We are still issuing grants despite the COVID restrictions. We understand that the execution of certain projects may be delayed until COVID restrictions are lifted.

CAn my orgAnizAtion/institution Apply for A grAnt?

We are not offering organizational grants at this time. We only offer grants to individual artists through our grant application process.

CAn i reApply if my Application wAs not selected in An eArlier grAnt round?

Applicants can only apply with the same project twice. There are no restrictions in applying again with a differnt project.

CAn i Apply in more thAn one cAtegory?

Submissions in multiple categories are not permitted.

CAn i Apply if i don’t live in New York City?

Only residents of New York City are eligible to apply.

When does my project need to be done / is there A time limit?

We ask that your project be completed within the time frame stated in your application, or within one (1) year of grant issuance, if you do not have a completion target date. You can make an extension request to caferoyaldigital@gmail.com should any extenuating circumstances delay the completion date of your project.

Does my project need to be executed in New York City?

We would prefer that the execution of your project take place in New York City’s five boroughs, or in a location in close proximity to New York City that has been discussed and approved by Café Royal Cultural Foundation. Email caferoyaldigital@gmail.com for inquiries.

How soon will i heAr from you After i Apply?

Please go to our grant schedule to see when awards will be announced.

if i’m AwArded A grAnt how long does it tAke to receive the funding?

About two to three weeks.

WhAt type of expenses Are eligible for funding?

Please refer to the eligibility section under the category for which you are seeking funding, e.g., Music, Visual, Performance, and Literature.

Am i eligible for A grAnt if i’ve Already received funding from Another orgAnizAtion?

Yes! Sometimes a grant from one organization won’t cover the total costs for a certain project. We’re happy to help contribute to the funding of your project should you be selected as a grant winner.

As A grantee do i need to show finAnciAl stAtements or receipts for expenditures?

Café Royal Cultural Foundation is an IRS recognized Private Foundation and therefore we are required to obtain copies of receipts for awarded / qualified grant-related expenses incurred by our grant recipients. An artist completion expense reporting form and instructions will be provided to comply with IRS regulations. Please remember as an awardee your monetary award is not taxable to you.

Do you offer grAnts for Film or ScreenplAys?

At present we do not offer funding for Film or Screenplays. Follow us on social media for updAtes and chAnges.

i Am A private individual. i Am considering mAking A donAtion or contribution to CAfé RoyAl CulturAl FoundAtion. is it tAx-deductible?

Your donation or contribution to Café Royal Cultural Foundationis qualified as tax-deductible. Please consult with your professional tax advisor.

i work for A grAnt mAking orgAnizAtion. We Are considering mAking A donAtion or contribution to CAfé RoyAl CulturAl FoundAtion. Are you eligible to receive funds from us?

Café Royal Cultural Foundation is an exempt organization under IRC Section 501(c)3 and can receive grants/funds. Please refer to our IRS Determination Letter in our Guidestar profile. Our Executive Director can assist you with any questions or additional documentation.

How cAn i contAct CAfé RoyAl CulturAl FoundAtion with A specific question?

You can email us at caferoyaldigital@gmail.com