Visual Grant
2021 Winter Grantee
Paul Fabozzi
Paul Fabozzi - Artist
Paul Fabozzi’s paintings and works on paper have been included in numerous solo and group exhibitions in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Rome, London, Busan, and beyond. His work is included in numerous private and public collections, including the Weatherspoon Art Museum, San Diego Museum of Art, Neuberger Museum of Art, Frost Museum of Art, Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, and New York Public Library. Awards include a 2005 fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts.
MoMA A, B, C , Oil on canvas Each image 48x32 inches, 2020
Paul explains his work like this: “My paintings explore the dynamics of visual movement and its relation to fracture, overlay, and weight distribution. The starting point for these works is my sensory investigation of specific architectural spaces. The process of translating a fully sensorial engagement into a physically static painting poses many questions, such as how can painting evoke the physical sensations and conceptual associations one has while navigating dynamic spaces that can’t be reduced to purely visual elements? Most important for me in this process, from the experiential point of view, was investigating proprioception.
CL (Berlin, OS #1, #2). Oil on canvas. Each image 60x40 inches, 2019
My creative practice begins by photographically documenting the spaces and then visually translating these artifacts, using both computerized and traditional drawing techniques, to create a set of free-floating shapes and forms that, once I begin painting, I can endlessly duplicate, layer, and recombine to create a painting that has its own integrity and that also holds the memory of my encounter with a space. By suspending a temporal experience within a static image, my paintings offer an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which bodily experience is overlaid at every turn with informational and mental pulsations.
Paul has edited an anthology of writings on contemporary art—titled Artists, Critics, Context: Readings in and around American Art since 1945—published by Prentice-Hall and is currently Professor of Fine Arts at St. John’s University in New York City.
Please visit Paul’s Instagram, and his website for more information.