Music Grant
2021 Winter Grantee
David Hodges
David Hodges - Musician
The Café Royal Cultural Foundation NYC has awarded a 2022 Winter Music Production Grant to David Hodges of the Los Chantas Tango Ensemble for the production of their new album, “20 Años,” (working title) to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the group’s continuous presence on the New York City tango scene.
The record will feature original arrangements of deep cuts from the tango tradition by the likes of Maglio, Gobbi, and Plaza; innovative cross-cultural adaptations such as a tune by the Brazilian choro master Pixinguinha; as well as original compositions in the tango style from the group’s members. The timbre and versatility of the traditional tango quartet provides a unique palette for musical expression with a sonic profile that can be by turns melancholic and haunting or playful and exuberant. “20 Años,” has an anticipated release date in the Fall of 2022.
Los Chantas (the name is taken from a 19th-century “lunfardo” slang term from the slums of Buenos Aires for tricksters, low-lifes, or fellows generally up to no good) formed via chance encounters in 2002 in NYC and, through a unique synergy of creative forces, quickly developed arrangements and a musical approach that balanced the musical vocabulary of the tango world with elements of improvisation and spontaneity—music that at its heart is “a la parrilla” (“hot off the grill”), as tango musicians say. The band soon was playing at dance events, clubs, theaters, and other unclassifiable joints around NYC and environs.
They recorded a studio EP (Los Chantas) in 2003, and a full-length CD (Taconenado) in 2007. Having honed their style over the years playing at “milongas,” the regular social events where tanguero/as come together to dance and socialize into the late hours, Los Chantas try to always maintain the vital connection between music and dance, as heard in the ever-present tango pulse—the 1-and-3 beat that propels the foundational caminata (tango walk). The challenge and delight of tango music is to find playfulness and expression within that structure—to speak new poetry using old syntax, to paint new visions within a familiar palette.
The core of the group consists of David Hodges on the bandoneón, the concertina-like instrument that gives tango its distinct sound; Sergio Reyes on violin; and pianist Emilio Teubal. Joining on the project is long-time collaborator Pablo Lanouguere on bass, as well as a special guest vocalist and other surprises. The band members hail from Argentina, Guatemala, and the United States, and individually have distinguished careers in tango as well as jazz, classical and other genres. The record will feature original arrangements of deep cuts from the tango tradition by the likes of Maglio, Gobbi, and Plaza; innovative cross-cultural adaptations such as a tune by the Brazilian choro master Pixinguinha; as well as original compositions in the tango style from the group’s members. The timbre and versatility of the traditional tango quartet provides a unique palette for musical expression with a sonic profile that can be by turns melancholic and haunting or playful and exuberant.
Please visit David’s Facebook, and Los Chantas’ website for more information.